Saturday, 23 July 2011

Avoiding the causes of Cancer

Avoiding the causes of Cancer
We chose to you a range of some reasons for Cancer ((GOD save you from))
from the book of food and cancer, Dr. Ayman Al-Hussein...
Beware of the causes of cancer
avoiding The Reasons of Cancer - avoiding cancer - avoiding cancer one day at a time - avoiding cancer diet

Cancer is the third biggest cause of death in the world according to study. Death rate would increase faster because of cancers.
and here you will find some reasons for it you must avoid .
First : get rid of excess weight.
Second : avoid eating too much fat, especially animal fat.
Third : watch out for the lack of fiber in your diet that are available in grains, seeds, vegetables and fruits.
Fourth : the large risk of eating meat .... And frequent eating The most dangerous white sugar .
V : Say No food stored for each And canned ... There are more than a thousand types of chemicals added to foods for the purposes of Kalhfez different flavor and give and give color or interference in the manufacture of containers that preserve the Foods .
VI : Beware of decaffeinated coffee caffeine .
Seventh : peanuts and corn is Muslaat Desirable .
VIII : warn of exposure to pesticides .
IX : smoking . If you smoke, you can greatly reduce the risk of contractingcancer by drinking carrot juice.

X : drinking too much tea, coffee, boiled .
Atheist : tenth car exhaust .
Twelfth : water pollution .
XIII : exposure to the mobile for long periods .
XIV : a lazy life factors Hidden behind the increased incidence of cancer .

About cancer, Mesothelioma keywords
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Cancer Title › How To Avoid Cancer | Cancer

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