Acne is one of the worst youth fears , girls and boys which are teens or adults scare of getting affected by that disease wich make their look bad, here you will find some tips to avoid acne
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Acne |
| | * Questions about Acne:
- Acne problem facing many of us, and all of the faces this problem Has a lot of inquiries about how to deal with them and methods of treatment. |
* Answers:
Q: the causes of acne?
A: The causes of acne the age of changes From childhood to their youth (adulthood).
Hormones and physical growth that occurs is the same that cause the presence of glands Fatty (sebaceous glands exist with molecules called the cavity of the hair and fat (bags Fat)) in the skin you sort an excessive amount of fat. Hormone Androgen Is more Types of hormones influence on the sebaceous glands (male hormone) a hormone Exists in the male and female, but frequently in males.
During adulthood begins by the overabundance of skin cells in the cysts Excretion frequently. So for people who suffer from love Young people are fat cells secrete more of other people.
When the cells are mixed with large amounts of fatty material that produces So doing, you can fill holes cysts at the same time continue Sebaceous glands in the secretion of cholesterol, leading to inflated bags And the fatty fullness.
Q: I suffer from acne even though I do wash my face many times in the Today?
A: There are still people who believe that the appearance of acne Result from lack of washing the face frequently. The truth is that washing the face just does not Prevents the emergence of grain, but it helps to remove excess fat on the face Or dead skin cells.
Wash the face twice a day gently with water and the type of soap is very soothing enough To clean the face.
Which occur as a result of some grain interactions and the biological causes of Beyond our control. Therefore, you must use the appropriate type of treatment is true for the treatment of Grain.
Q: Can stress cause the emergence of grain?
A: In many cases be the cause of stress The emergence of grain as Pressure Have a physiological effect on the body, including the public Hormonal changes associated with that and be another reason for his appearance.
In some cases, cause the emergence of other grains in the incidence of pressure Nerve and not vice versa.
But if the grains were treated properly, there will be a stress Impact on the majority of people.
Q: Why did I suffer from acne in adolescence for what I suffer from it now In adulthood?
A: Often begins with the appearance of acne at the beginning of the age Adolescence, and ends at the beginning of the twenty years of age. But in some cases Acne continues into adulthood.
These types of acne is chronic and affects the body General and not just the face (affecting males more than females) is associated with the emergence of Grain and a period of the menstrual cycle in females.
In some other cases does not start but the appearance of acne in adulthood This type of grain affects females more than males.
The reason for this phenomenon is that when you grow up female in age, changes Hormonal changes that occur with the other and helps the sebaceous glands in the Ease of the emergence of grain.
Can result in pregnancy and bags in the female ovaries to the emergence of changes Hormone results in the emergence of grain.
Gestational some women love young people if they stop taking the pill Which helps to prevent the emergence of grain.
Q: Does diet have an impact on the appearance of acne?
A: Acne has nothing to do with food. And follow the A strict diet does not prevent the emergence of grain.
But there are people who feel that there are some types of food affect the impact of adverse To acne, especially chocolate, cola, peanut, fish Oysters and fatty foods.
But there is no scientific evidence confirms that there are types of food affect the appearance of Acne.
But you should avoid any type of food that may lead to poor grain Young people.
And for general good health should avoid eating fat, eating meals Nutritionally balanced. It must also treat acne properly.
Q: Does the sun help acne?
A: Many people believe that sunlight helps To improve the situation of acne on the face. But there is no scientific evidence to That the sun have an effect on acne In addition, UV light Increase the risk of exposure to skin cancer And facial wrinkles early. So do not prefer to resort to this method for the treatment of Acne, especially as there are methods and scientific methods of treatment can receive. In addition, if the person is medically treated, the acne Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun over the situation worse.
Q: What is the best way to treat acne?
A: Acne should be treated individually, which means that each individual Responds to the different means of treatment.
Must have recourse to a specialist doctor to determine the quality of treatment that responds to him Each individual separately.
Q: What types of cosmetics that are better used for those who suffer Of acne?
A: There are types of powders do not cause allergy love Young people can use.
There are some types of treatment for acne and lead to the presence of friction Or dryness of the face, especially in the first weeks of treatment, there are some types of Powders increases this case with the treatment. So you must choose the type of Powders with the appropriate specialist doctor or pharmacist.
You should avoid some types of Base creams Which may increase the situation worse for those who suffer Of acne or under treatment should be the use of powder, and powders That contain a high proportion of cream because they have less impact on acne.
And could use some different methods to hide the flaws in acne By facial powders.
Q: Do you itching in grain cause problems?
A: Yes, in general you should not scratch or play in love Young people, particularly in the face. Especially inflammatory acne should not be touched and rubbed At all. As the pressure or abrasion on the grain helps to enter the Material in the grain into the skin further and lead to More inflammation.
Q: Is there a solution to the scars caused by acne?
A: Can prevent scarring by eliminating grain Final. The specialist doctor can use various methods to improve The case of scarring that occurs as a result of the presence of grain.
The type of treatment from patient to patient. Disks can be used with some Cases, and in some other cases curettage Laser skin effectively.
Must control the acne well before resorting to any method To alleviate the scars.
Q: How long will it take to show the results of treatment?
A: Stop the time period for improvement of the situation on the type of Treatment used, but in most cases it takes some time, weeks or Months.
Most medical specialists advise the patient to complete treatment for a period of 4-8 Weeks before changing the type of treatment, so the patient must be well aware of this Period of time does not despair of you do not see results quickly or to stop The completion of treatment, and if you do not find the results for a long time you can discuss The situation with your doctor to the possibility of changing the type of treatment and their own way.
Q: Do you use the largest quantity of drugs increases the chances of healing quickly?
A: No, you must use the drugs in the manner established by the Doctor. That the use of the property where more can lead to increased Inflammation in the sinuses, irritation or blockage of cysts and this leads To delayed healing.
For the mouth, the use of drugs often will not help to speed Healing, but can lead to the presence of complications.
Q: I use local real estate gives the result of the apparent grain But I am still suffering from the emergence of a new grain in other regions, what do I do?
A: Topical drugs should be used in each region so Next to the neighboring grain, and not only on the grain.
The goal of treatment is to treat the skin before any inflammation of the grain and prevent Inflammation, and not just treat the inflammation is located.
Patients are advised to treat all the surrounding areas (forehead, nose, cheeks And chin) to make sure that no other injuries.
Q: I have disappeared grain, do I stop taking the drug?
A: If your doctor told you to stop you should stop immediately - But you must follow your doctor's advice and instructions. As the sudden stop Treatment leads to the appearance of grain in a new after several weeks.
If you use more of the drug in the treatment, it is recommended to stop one type Note only the results before stopping treatment altogether.
You should consult your doctor before stopping treatment altogether.
Q: Is the time the drug has an effect on the result?
A: You should consult your doctor or pharmacist about the time of eating Dose. If the type of property Antibiotic For example, You dealt with in the morning, in the middle of the day or evening. But it must Attendance on the dose at a fixed time since the beginning of treatment.
If you're dealing with the type of drug three times a day, it is better to have a Appropriate intervals between the three doses.
There are some types of antibiotics must be taken on an empty stomach or Semi-free. Therefore, in order to reach the ideal result of the treatment must be followed Doctor's instructions carefully.
Q: I do not remember the drug per day Is there a way to continue eating What do I do if I forget a dose of it?
A: This problem is a general problem. There are some patients Overcome this problem by taking medication to do in times of Things such as a fixed daily Wash teeth In the morning or during the morning to do the work of the make-up For women.
You can also place the drug (treatment) in areas at your fingertips day or Next to the things you use regularly so remember take the drug.
But if you do not remember the dose on the day do not double the dose in The next day, but only after it committed itself to addressing the doses on time Identified.
There can be a particular system practice for some types of drugs when you forget Dose, so you should consult your doctor or pharmacist if the type of property Requires it. |
Different information collected on what needs to be done for Treatment Of Acne for different pathology of skin disorder.